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Background: Complete rectal prolapse is a condition which is equally common in both sexes in adults as well as in
children. It is characterized by protrusion of full thickness rectal wall through the anal orifice. Despite its rarity several
procedures have been described to correct rectal prolapse. Among the many procedures, abdominal posterior rectopexy
has been preferred because of its low recurrence rate.This study was conducted to evaluate the clinical outcome
of abdominal mesh rectopexy in our Hospital.
Place and Duration: Surgical A unit Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar Pakistan from 1st Sep 2012 to 31ST Aug 2014.
Material and Method: A total of 17 patients,11 male and 6 female with complete rectal prolapse were included in this
prospective study. Pre-operative assessment of the patients included, history taking, thorough physical examination,
DRE with meticulous assessment of the sphincter tone and colonoscopy. Posterior mesh rectopexy done in all patients
using synthetic polypropylene mesh.
Results: Out of the total 17 patients, 5 presented with incontinence and 7 with chronic constipation.Incontinence
improved in all 5(100%) patients while 1(5.88%) patient with preexisting constipation complained aggravation and 3
patient(17.64%)developed new onset constipation postoperatively. Bleeding noted in 2(11.7%) of patients. Surgical
site infection occurred in 1(5.88%) patient. No recurrence noted after two year follow up.
Conclusion: Abdominal posterior mesh rectopexy is a safe and effective procedure for complete rectal prolapse especially
in patients with incontinence. It improves incontinence with a minimal risk of increasing constipation.
Key Words: Rectal prolapse, abdominal rectopexy, mesh rectopexy.

Zafar Iqbal
Irfan Ul Islam Nasir
M. Iftikhar, Aziz Ullah
Siddique Ahmad
Shaukat Hussain
Journal Issue: