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Objectives: The Aim of this study was to demonstrate efficacy of fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) in detection
of malignancy in patient with solitary thyroid nodule.
Material and Methods: This prospective cross sectional study was conducted in ENT Unit A unit of Khyber Teaching
Hospital, Peshawar from Jan. 2007 to Dec.2011, on 136 patients recruited in this study who presented with solitary
thyroid nodules to our out patient department. Fine needle aspiration technique was performed on all these patients.
Availing the FNAC reports surgery was performed in the indicated cases. The histopathology reports were then compared
with the preoperative FNAC reports. Accuracy and sensitivity were analysed using SPSS version 12.
Results: This study included 136 patients consisting 102 (75%) female and34 (25%) males with 3:1 female to male ratio.
Majority of the patients were in the age group 40-60 years. Preoperative FNAC performed in all patients showed that
the result was non neoplastic in 106 (77.94%) cases positive malignant disease was present in 14 (10.29%) cases, in
8(5.88%) cases the diagnosis was not confirmed/ suspicious on FNAC reports (2 i.e.1.47% of them on biopsy proved
having malignancy), in (5.88%) 8 cases the aspirate was inadequate for diagnosis. Post thyroidectomy histopathology
reports of these patients demonstrated malignancy in 16 cases (11.76%) and in the remaining 120(88.24%) the histology
was consistent with benign disease. The sensitivity of FNAC was in this series was 98.26%, specificity 96.20%
and accuracy was 94.11%.
Conclusion: Our results are comparable to the recent published results showing that FNAC by expert hands is safe,
cost effective and reliable investigation for diagnosis of thyroid malignancy preoperatively and helps in appropriate

Muhammad Asghar Khan
Qaisar Khan1
Asghar ullah Khan3
Inayat Ullah Khan
Naseer Ahmed
Israr U Din