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Objectives: The occurrence of metabolic syndrome in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) has not yet been
studied in Pakistan. In hospitalized patients with Acute myocardial infarction, we sought to determine the frequency
of metabolic syndrome in these patients with AMI using Asian modified definition of National Cholesterol Education
Program (NCEP) Adult Treatment Panel (ATP) III definition of metabolic syndrome.
Methods: A case control study of 150 conveniently selected, hospitalized patients with AMI and equal number of
healthy controls were categorized according to the NCEP ATP III Metabolic Syndrome criteria (presence of ≥3 of the
following factors): hyperglycemia; triglyceride level ≥150 mg/dL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol level <40 mg/dL
in men and <50 mg/dL in women; blood pressure ≥130/85 mm Hg; and waist circumference > 90cm in men or 80
cm in women using Asian modified criteria. The data was analyzed using SPSS 17 .
Results: As compared to healthy participants the Metabolic Syndrome (P-value< 0.001, odd ratio 6.19,CI 3.49, 11.06)
is closely associated in 55% of patients with Acute Myocardial infarction. The presence of greater than 3 risk factors of
metabolic syndrome in AMI patients was 40% (P-value 0.01).
Conclusions: In a conveniently selected population of patients with AMI, the frequency of metabolic syndrome was
high. Among metabolic syndrome components the BMI and waist circumference were main risk factors.
Key Words: Metabolic Syndrome, Cardiovascular Disease, Myocardial Infarction

Naila Hamid3
Ubaid ur Rahman
Ubaid ullah4
Mahnoor Azhar3
Journal Issue: