A Case Repot: Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) and Pregnancy


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Introduction: Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) is a haematological condition epitomised by a lower value
of circulating platelet count. ITP is an auto-immune syndrome triggered by the growth of IgG autoantibodies heading
for the destruction of platelet glycoproteins1.
A 23 year-old-woman, admitted to Gynae unit of MTI, HMC Hayatabad Peshawar, presented to labour ward at 32
weeks gestation with bruises and petichea over her body for last 3 days. There was no history of fever, bleeding per
vaginum or any history of trauma antecedent to these symptoms.
In parallel to the initial symptomatic treatment and transfusion of platelets, other investigations were conducted to rule
out secondary causes of thrombocytopenia that includes antinuclear antibodies, HIV, HBSag, antiHCV, Dengue
serology and the results were negative. Post investigations analysis revealed that is a case of ITP with pregnancy.
At 37 weeks gestation, the patient was successfully induced and delivered a female baby weighing 2.5 kg with good
APGAR score. The baby was asymptomatic & her platelet count was 120,000. Postpartum period was uneventful.
After a week postpartum stay in the hospital she was discharged on tapering doses of deltacortil 5mg for 4 weeks &
tab azathioprine 50 mg twice daily. She was rapidly recovering after delivery at the time of discharge and her platelet

Rubina Akhtar