ISSN No. 2079-8547 (Recognized by PMDC)
Introduction: Urinary tract infection (UTI) can be defined y the presence of significant quantity of bacteria in the urine
along with signs and symptoms of infection. UTI is an important cause of bacteremia due to gram negative organisms.
Prompt diagnosis and management of UTI can reduce the incidence of morbidity and life threatening bacteremia.
Approximately 3 – 5% of the girls and 1% of the boys acquire a UTI. UTI can lead to renal scars and if undiagnosed
leads to permanent renal damage causing hypertension or end stage renal disease. The diagnosis of UTI is difficult in
the neonatal period because the signs and symptoms are non-specific in this age group. Every child with a proven UTI
deserves investigation after first attack. Diagnostic workup could be modified to recognize any condition that leads to
stasis of the urine in the bladder.
Objective: The objective of my study was to determine the drug sensitivity pattern of the causative organisms causing
urinary tract infection in children of a tertiary care hospital.
Study design: It was a cross sectional study.
Duration of study: The study was conducted in a period of about 6 months (from January 2014 to June 2014).
Setting:The study was carried out in the Department of Pediatrics, Post Graduate Medical Institute, Hayatabad Medical
Complex, Peshawar a tertiary health care facility.
Materials and Methods: 100 children both admitted and attending the outpatient department in Pediatrics Unit, with
confirmed UTI, were selected according to the inclusion/ exclusion criteria by convenience method. All the patients’
parents were interviewed with the help of a proforma. The data were analyzed by applying the descriptive statistics.
Result: Out of 100 children enrolled, 56 were boys and 44 girls. 30% children were amongst age group 3 to 12 months,
52% among 1—5 years and 18% among above 5 years old. The most common urinary pathogen isolated was E. Coli
(63%) sensitive most often (84% sensitivity) to Amikacin. Overall sensitivity of different urinary isolates to amikacin was
highest (82%). 37 boys (66%) with urinary tract infection were circumcised.
Conclusion: Owing to its high prevalence, early detection and treatment of the urinary tract infection in infants and
children may be the only way to reduce the incidence of reflux nephropathy and to prevent renal damage.
Keywords: Drug sensitivity, DMSA, Suprapublic aspiration, Urine culture, Vesicoureteral Reflux (VUR), Voiding cystourethrogram