ISSN No. 2079-8547 (Recognized by PMDC)
Background: It had been a general concept that women cannot become doctors but at the end of 19th century they were
accepted to enter the profession and became more interested in the profession and in some cases even outnumbered
males. It was the time when female medical colleges were established in different countries. In Pakistan, the first female
medical college was established in 1948 in Punjab, while in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the first female medical college was
established in 2000.This study was conducted with the objective to know whether there exists any association between
the choice of profession among female medical students and specific sector (public or private) of medical college.
Methodology: This cross sectional study was conducted over a period of six months (Dec 2013-May 2014) on a sample
of 209 female medical students of the two female medical colleges of Khyber Pakhtunkwa. Students of third and
fourth year were included. A structured self administered questionnaire was used. Chi sq test was applied on selective
variables. Data entry and analysis was done through SPSS-20.
Results: Out of 209 students, 128(61%) were from private sector medical college and 81(38.8%) were from public
sector medical college. Association between the choice of profession and sector of medical college was statistically
not significant (p>.05). 90.4% of students responded that they will continue medical as a career after doing MBBS.
Conclusion: Female medical students from the selected medical colleges join public sector or private sector medical
colleges irrespective of the fact whether the choice is their own or of their parents