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Haemorrhoids are one of the most common anorectal conditions affecting 50% population over 50 years. The
Milligan-Morgan open haemorrhoidectomy is the most widely used surgical technique and considered as the gold
standard. Circular stapler Haemorrhoidectomy was first described by Lango in 1998 as an alternative to conventional
excisional haemorrhoidectomy. The early small randomized controlled trials of Stapled vs. open haemorrhoidectomy
had shown its effectiveness.
Objective: The objective of this study was to compare the efficacy of stapled haemorrhoidectomy with that of Milligan-
Morgan in terms of pain, hospital stay and return to physical activity.
Study design: It was an experimental study.
Material and methods: This study was conducted in Department of Surgery Khyber Teaching Hospital; Peshawar from
March 2011 till December 2011and spanned over 10 months.
Sample selection: In this study 30 patients were selected with 3rd degree haemorrhoids after undergoing DRE and
proctoscopy in OPD and informed consent was taken. Purposive, non-probability sampling was employed and after
initial selection patients were randomly divided into two groups and complete Performa was filled.
Inclusion criteria: Male and female patients with 3rd and 4th degree haemorrhoids were included in this study.
Exclusion criteria:Patients with systemic diseases like cardiac, renal/hepatic etc. Already operated

Muhammad Yunas
Syed Iftikhar Alam
Qutbi Alam Jan
Imad Afridi
Daud Shah
Sami Ullah
Journal Issue: