ISSN No. 2079-8547 (Recognized by PMDC)
Objective of the Study: To determine the efficacy of endoscopy guided pneumatic dilatation in achalasia.
Patient and Methods: This prospective study was conducted in the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Department
of Hayatabad medical complex Peshawar from January 2011 to June 2015. Patients with achalasia were included in
the study after applying the exclusion criteria. Detailed history taking, systemic examination and routine investigations
e.g. CBC, LFT’s, RFT’s etc were done for all patients followed by endoscopic examination of the upper GI tract along
with dilatation of achalasia. All patients undergoing pneumatic dilatation were followed for 6 months for efficacy of the
procedure. All this information was entered into a specially designed proforma. All data was analyzed using SPSS
Program 10.0. Descriptive statistics were calculated for the study variables.
Results: A total of 130 patients having achalasia were included in this study out of which 82 (63.08 %) were male and
48 (36.92 %) were female. Patients were in the age range of 30-70 years with mean age was 46 years with a SD of ± 7.9
years. Out of 130 patients 91 (70%) required one session of pneumatic dilatation, 26 (20%) required two session while
7 (5.38%) required three sessions for being in remission. Six (4.62%) patients who did not respond to three sessions
of pneumatic dilatation were sent for surgical treatment of achalasia.
Conclusion: In our experience endoscopy guided pneumatic dilatation is a safe and effective non surgical therapy of
achalasia with good short and midterm relief of symptoms. Its additional benefit is that fluoroscopic control is not required.
Key Words: Achalasia, Endoscopy guided pneumatic dilatation