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Introduction: Malaria is one of the major infectious disease in the world today despite years of efforts first to eradicate
and then subsequently to control and reduce its impact on mortality and morbidity. Plasmodium falciparum, the virulent
of the four human Plasmodium species, is potentially life threatening, increasing in prevalence and becoming more
resistant to currently in-use medicines. According to World Health Organization (W.H.O.) estimates, there are 300-500
million people infected with malaria. Malaria causes 1.5 -2.7 million deaths annually. It impacts greatly on children and
pregnant ladies.
Objective: To determine the frequency of common complications in malaria at the time of presentation.
Methodology: This study was conducted at Department of Medicine, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar. Duration
of the study was one year (17/1/2016 to 16/1/2017) in which a total of 251 patients were All male and female patients
of age > 14 years who are smear positive for plasmodium parasite were included. All the patients were subjected
to detailed history and clinical examinations and routine investigations were sent to the hospital laboratory. This was
done to detect common complications among those patients like cerebral malaria, renal failure, sever anemia, Hyperbilirubinemia
and thrombocytopenia. All the patients were subjected to standard treatment strategy as per ward and
medicine protocols. All the above mentioned information including name, age, gender and address was recorded in
a pre designed proforma.
Results: In this study mean age was 30 years with SD + 3.18. Fifty six percent patients were male and 44% patients
were female. Cerebral malaria was found in (1%) patients, Hyperbilirubinemia was found in (7%) patients, severe anemia
was found in (8%) patients, Thrombocytopenia was found in (80%) patients, Renal failure was found in (2%) patients.
Conclusion: Malaria is a diverse disease and can present with broad spectrum of manifestations ranging from typical
presentation of fever, rigors to atypical presentations like changing behavior, vomiting, diarrhea, fits, jaundice, renal
failure etc. In our setup hyperbilirubinemiav 7%, severe anemia 8% and Thrombocytopenia 80% were the most common
complications of malaria.
Key Words: Complications, Plasmodium falciparum, malari

Muhammad Ayub Khan1
Iftikhar Muhammad2
Zeeshan Murtaza3,
Muhammad Noman1,
Muhammad Yousaf1
Journal Issue: