Frequency of Vitamin D deficiency among patient with Liver cirrhosis


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Introduction: Chronic liver disease (CLD) is increasing important chronic disease worldwide It’s potential impact on
the patient’s health, and their health-related quality of life is huge/Vitamin D deficiency is a globalpublic health
concern, even in tropical regions wherethe risk of deficiency was previously assumed to below due to adequate
exposure to sun. Poor vitamin D status, asindicated by low serum concentrations of 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D]
has been observed inSouth Asian populations. Initially thought to be exclusive to patients withchronic cholestatic liver
disorders, it is now clear thatvitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are highly prevalentin all forms of CLD. This can
be due to lowvitamin D levels due to limited sun exposure is commonamong patients with chronic illnesses and is
likely animportant cause for vitamin D deficiency in cirrhosis andend stage liver disease.
Materials and Methods: This cross sectional (Descriptive Study) was performed in Medical department of
Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar, from 02-07-2018 to 01-01-2019. A total of 181 cases of cirrhosis were
selected from OPD and serum vitamin D level was recorded.
Results: The mean age of the sample was 50.1 + 8.3 years. 65.2% were male and 34.8% were female. The mean
duration of illness was 7.6 + 2.5 years. Most of the patients i.e. 45.9% were in the class B according to Child T Pugh
Classification of liver cirrhosis. Mean vitamin D level of the whole sample was 17.2 + 7.4ng/dl and vitamin D deficiency
(< 20ng/dl) was recorded in 56.4%.
Conclusion: Vitamin D deficiency is a common problem in our local cirrhotic population. More studies are required to
develop association of vitamin D with cirrhosis after adjusting for factors which can aggravate vitamin D deficiency in
cirrhotic patients.

Imran Qadir Khattak
Fawad Rahim