Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine In Type-2 Diabetics
Objective: To determine the prevalence, types, and correlates of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) among patients with type-2 diabetes mellitus
Methodology: This descriptive cross-sectional study was performed in the department of Endocrinology, Medical Teaching Institute Lady Reading Hospital (MTI-LRH) and Department of Medicine Hayatabad Medical Complex Peshawar, Pakistan, from January 2021 to September 2021. A total of 376 type-2 DM patients who met inclusion criteria were enrolled in the study. Data were collected through a pre-piloted structured questionnaire.
Results: Out of 376 patients, male patients were 257(68.35%), and 119 were female (31.65%). Patients with Type-2 DM having a duration of illness of more than ten years were 38%, with 79.5% having HBA1C of more than 7%. 51.3% of patients revealed CAM usage & 69.95% of them had other comorbidities like Hypertension, Obesity, IHD etc., and diabetes. Herbal medicine (24.2%) followed by spiritual healing (22.1%) were the most common types of CAM practiced, and dietary supplements were used by 14.9% & 11.4%, respectively. Female gender, associated comorbidities, diabetic complications& poor glycemic control (HBA1C > 7%) were the strongest predictors of CAM usage. Diabetic neuropathy (66.5%) & DFU (43.6%) were the most common diabetic complication in the studied population.
Conclusion: Complementary and Alternative Medicine usage is growing in our diabetic patients. Complementary and Alternative Medicine are more common in those with poor glycemic control & high rate of diabetic complications, quite alarming and needs further research on CAM to allow for proper management & ensure the patients safety.